Volunteering at Glenelg Primary School
We really value all the wonderful ways volunteers assist at Glenelg Primary School. Volunteers help in the canteen, as sports coaches and managers, assist in classrooms, on camps and excursions, in P&F and help out many other ways too.
For new volunteers, there are 8 steps to be completed.
Application forms to be a volunteer at GPS are available from the Downloads section below. There are also paper copies available at the Front Office.
When listing 2 referees on the application form, please list at least 1 of the 2 referees on your volunteer application as any current staff member of GPS. If there is a special reason why this is not possible, please speak with Deb in the Front Office:
Step 1: Volunteer completes a GPS volunteer application form; please first speak to any current GPS staff member about your wish to (continue to) volunteer and then list them as one of your referees.
Step 2: Volunteer gives the application form to Deb, at the front office, with photo ID and has a brief discussion.
Step 3: A GPS staff member contacts a referee.
Step 4: Either the volunteer or Deb starts the WWCC (Working with children check) clearance process. This step can often take 4 to 6 weeks; the volunteer can continue with the steps below while waiting for the WWCC process to be completed.
If you do not currently have a Working With Children Check (WWCC), Deb can start the process for you by e-mail or in person. Or you can start the process yourself at this link: Apply for a Check.
You will need to provide 6 pieces of information:-
- Your first name – this must be your full official first name, for example, Peter, not Pete
- Your surname
- An e-mail address – the WWCC unit will send further instructions to you via this e-mail address
- Your date of birth
- The name and room number(s) of any child(ren) you have at GPS in 2021
- A brief reason for the WWCC clearance, i.e. sports coaching, assisting on excursions, helping in the canteen, helping with children in the classroom etc. One or two brief reasons are sufficient, even if you intend to volunteer in more than 1 or 2 ways.
Please e-mail our dedicated volunteers email address – dl.1017.volunteers@schools.sa.edu.au
Once we enter the above information for you, you’ll receive an e-mail asking you to continue the process yourself online. Once you complete your sections and submit the WWCC application, most applications take 4 to 6 weeks. There is no cost to volunteers for a Volunteer WWCC clearance check.
Step 5: The volunteer completes a Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) course for volunteers online.
To complete the RRHAN-EC: Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care training online, please go to the Department of Education website at RRHAN-EC: Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care training.
Step 6: The volunteer completes a general induction course online.
To complete the Volunteer General induction course online, please go to the Department of Education website at Volunteer Inductions.
Step 7: You will be required to read the GPS Site-specific induction, including role-specific training (if relevant). A hard copy can be accessed via the front office to read, and an acknowledgment signed for our records.
Step 8: The volunteer signs a volunteer agreement. These agreement forms are available at the Front Office and also below, in the Downloads section.
Along the way, GPS staff must record/document the completion of each step. Volunteers will need to sign in/out at the Front Office to receive a Volunteer pink badge that must be worn onsite and returned to the front office to complete the sign-out procedure. Classroom teachers will be required to ask you to leave at 9.05 am if you are not wearing a Volunteer badge and only approved volunteers will be able to assist or attend any excursion or camp.
We look forward to working through these new steps with you to maintain and build the excellent support we have from volunteers at Glenelg Primary School.
Volunteer roles available:
Camps & Excursions
Classroom support
Sports Coach/Manager
Parents & Friends